You need help?

Below is a list of common issues that some survey respondents have experienced along with their causes and solutions.


Survey won't accept my telephone number

The phone number field is expecting to receive a 10 digit number without any spaces, parentheses, dashes or dots. Example: 1112223333. Sometimes a space at the beginning or end can cause this issue.


Survey won’t accept my email address

The email address field is expecting to receive a string of characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z) without any spaces, parentheses or accented characters. Example: Sometimes a space at the beginning or end can cause this issue.


Survey won’t accept my postal code

The Postal Code field is expecting to receive a series of numbers and Uppercase letters without any spaces. Example: A1B2C3 or J1Z2H7. Sometimes a space at the beginning or end can cause this issue.